Wedgewood Wednesday Vol 6 – Drop Options

As the rules of golf continue to evolve let’s look at taking relief or where the ball can be dropped after it has entered a “yellow” or “red” penalty area.  First remember that penalty areas are marked by either red or yellow.

You can see from the graphic below where the ball entered the  penalty area marked with “X”.

  1. If it’s in the penalty area and you can play it, then option (1) is play it as it lies.
  2. Option 2.  Take a look at Diagram #1. (YELLOW Penalty marking).  From here you can just drop a ball from where you originally hit from.  OR  You can take relief anywhere in the triangle created by a reference point that starts with one club length of the entrance point created by which the line to the hole and the line to the entrance of the penalty area.   We’ll let you noodle over that for a minute.

3.  Look at Diagram #2 below.  If your ball enters into a RED Penalty area, then you have even more options.  Red Penalty which is lateral hazard.  At this point the same first two rules apply except you have (2) club lengths from the point of entry and anywhere in the area marked 3 below in the relief area.  Also lastly you can take it back across the hazard from the reference point with 2 club lengths in relief area 2 below.

A lot to soak in.  What are your thoughts?




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1 Comment

  1. starnzie
    March 6, 2019 / 9:42 pm

    Still don’t get it